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Matteo Martelli (Bologna). Dyeing and Transmuting Metals in Graeco-Roman Egypt.

  • Alchemies of Scent 7 Husova Praha 1, Hlavní město Praha, 110 00 Czechia (map)

Prof. Matteo Martelli (University of Bologna) will discuss ancient techniques designed to change the colour of metals, thus reasoning on the development of Graeco-Egyptian chrysopoeia (the making of gold) and argyropoeia (the making of silver).

Various dyeing procedures described in the works by Pseudo-Democritus (1st century CE) and Zosimus of Panopolis (3rd-4th century CE) will be presented and commented on from a both theoretical and experimental perspective.

Modern replications of these technologies will be used to better understand the practices described in the above-mentioned texts as well as the empirical underpinnings of their theories and classifications.

Prof. Martelli is Principal Investigator of the ERC Project AlchemEast: Alchemy in the Making: From ancient Babylonia via Graeco-Roman Egypt into the Byzantine, Syriac and Arabic traditions (1500 BCE -1000 AD).

The lecture will be held online via Zoom. Registration is required. To register, visit the eventbrite page here or email

You will receive a Zoom link in your registration confirmation email.


Speaker: Matteo Martelli, Professor in the History of Science, University of Bologna

Title: Dyeing and Transmuting Metals in Graeco-Roman Egypt

Date: Monday, 25 April 2022

Time: 14:30 – 16:00 CEDT (UTC+2)

Host: Alchemies of Scent, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences

Location: Remote (Zoom). Register via eventbrite:

You will receive a Zoom link in your confirmation email.